i've been photoshooting for a couple of times recently now.
today's trip was basically to the clarke quay area with yunhe and sinlih.
well, i took abt 100+ photos.but decided to pick out a few.
kinda tired uh.spent almost the whole day outside.
went sch, vivo for the Coffin, then the photoshoot trip.
(p.s the coffin is gay seriously.if u want to watch, dun watch it on wkend.nt worth it.)
waited for them at the central cos i was abt 15-20 mins early.
eh?i took that with my signature "make-shift tripods"!
its actually a safety barrier this time round.
i rmb using a dustbin in hk disneyland the other time LOL.
well, but who cares?since it can give me nice steady shots.
the other half of the view from the central open area.
the reverse bungee thingy.
now those tunnels there have nice cool lights!
purple n pink i tink.
the guitarist in the background.
i didnt throw sm coins in his guitar case though.
this cool street lamp.
love the starry-starry effects eh!? (:
the parliament house and the supreme court in the background.
with the suntec tower.and abit of the railings n stuff.
this would be my 1st picture of the daynight.
the old tricycle and the effects of the light of the passing cars.
seems as if the tricycle is travelling through another dimension.
too bad no vehicles went pass the lane nearer to me.
if not it would be nicer.
looks rather abit empty.
the CDB, the reflections, and the light from the river cruise.
inside the bar area.
the dude over there is selling those turkish ice cream,
where they would kajiao u before u can get ur ice cream.
wait.dun u tink he looks abit like Mr Mario?lol.
we are from the nether world!LOL
look like those ghost movies hahaha!
actually is becos i clicked the "shoot" button then i walked infront of the camera,
then i sat down at my spot, causing all of us to look transparent
cool eh?haha
the 2nd picture of the night.
love the effects of the lights, the emptiness of the road,
the emoness from my hoody
love love! <3
wonder how it would look in black and white hahaha!
yupp tats all for now, i guess i will be back soon with more pics!
cya (:
ah this!i played with the torch light from my brother's hp,
while he held the camera for abt 5secs i tink.
hahahaha!i have artistic talent uh?
cos i can draw such a beautiful imaginary heart shape
cya guys (: nites!
(p.s theres sm stupid blogger problem which kinda screws up the paragraphings and im too lazy to do anything abt it haha!try figuring out wheres the paragraphing eh (: )
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